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M.Sc. semester 4 Syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. syllabus.

M.Sc. semester 4 Syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. syllabus. hngu syllabus, hngu msc syllabus, hngu M.Sc. semester 4 syllabus,msc syllabus

HNGU M.Sc. this post available M.Sc. syllabus. here organic, inorganic and physical chemistry syllabus for M.Sc. students. hngu M.Sc. course related all subject sullabus.
M.Sc. syllabus topic

Organic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Physical chemistry

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old papers (M.Sc sem 4 old papers)



Natural & Stereo Chemistry


Unit1: Purine & Nucleic Acid:
Purine & Nucleic Acid: Chemistry of Uric acid, Adenine, Caffeine, Structure
of Nucleotides, Nucleosides, DNA, RNA and Conformations, Protein Synthesis,
Prebiotic Chemistry.
Unit 2: Carbohydrates:
Types of Naturally Occurring Sugars, Dexoy Sugars, Amino Sugar, General
Method of Structure and Ring Size Determination with Reference to Starch and
Cellulose, Photosynthesis of Carbohydrates.
Unit 3: Steroids: 
General Biosynthesis Studies of Steroids, Chemistry of Ergosterol and
Androgens: Oestrone, Oestriol and Oestradiol
Gestogens: Progesterone Adreno Cortical Hormones: Cortisone, Diosgenine and
its Utility in Hormone Synthesis, Transformation in Steroids Molecules.
Unit4: Conformational Analysis: 
Conformation of Monocyclic System:
Cyclo Propane: Cyclopropane1,2 Dicarboxillic Acid, 2-OH Methyl Cyclo
Propane Dicarboxillic acid,
Cyclo Hexane:1,3 Ditertiary Butyl Cyclohexane, 4-OH Cyclo Hexane
Carboxylic Acid, Cyclohexane 1,2 di Carboxylic Acid.
Cyclo Hexanone: 2-Br Cyclo Hexanone, 2-Br 4,4-dimethyl Cyclo Hexanone,
Cyclo Hexanol, Hexa-Chloro Cyclo Hexane, Conformation of Di substituted
Bridge ring system: Bicyclic(1,1,1) pentane and Bicyclo (2,1,1) hexane,
Bicyclo (2,2,1) Heptane and Bicyclo (2,2,2) Octane.
Fused Ring System : Per hydro Anthracene and Per Hydro Phenanthrene.

Industrial Organic Chemistry


Unit 1: Synthetic Industries Based On Petroleum:
Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Organic Chemicals from Coal Distillation,
Refining of Crude Oil FCR Industrial Fuels, C1, C2, C3, C4 and Aromatic
Chemicals. Textile Fibers Classification, Manufacture of Important Polyamide,
Poly Ester Fibers.
Unit 2: Paints & Varnish, Explosive
Paint: Industries Paint and Varnish Classification of Paints, Manufacture of
Paints. Methods of Applying Paints.
Varnish: Raw Materials Manufacture of Varnishes, Types of Varnishes.
Explosives: Propellants and Toxic Chemical Agents.
Types of Explosives, Characteristics of Explosive, Industrial Explosives,
propellants, Rocket and Missiles, Propellants for Rocket, Miscellaneous
Industrial Explosives Uses, Pyrotechnics, Military Explosives, Incendiaries,
Toxic Chemical Agents (Weapons).
Unit 3: Industrial Polymers
Introduction of Polyethylene’s, Manufacture of Polyethylene, Low and High
Density Polyethylene co-oplymers of Ethylene and Application.
Monomers, Dacron, Orlon, Bakelite, Nylone 6,6 Teflon Polymer Reactions,
Hydrogenation, Addition and Substitution Aldehyde and ketonic Group
Reactions. Cyclisation, Cross linkage Reaction.
Resins: Introduction & Preparation of Resins, Mechanism Type of Resin,
Acrylic Polymer
1) Poly acrylate and Poly methylated acrylate,
2) Poly Methyl Methacrylate
3) Poly Acrylonitrile
Unit 4: Selected Small Scale Industries:
Safety Matches, Agarbatties, Naphthalene balls, Candles, Shoe Polish, Gum
paste, Pen Ink, Removal of Stains, Phenol disinfectant Soaps, Detergents.

Synthetic Drugs


Unit 1: Chemotherapeutic Drugs 
Antimalarial Agents: Chemotherapy of Malaria, Malaria Parasite and it’s cycle,
4-aminoquinolines, 8-aminoquinolines, 9-aminoacridines, Di-amino
pyrimidine’s, Antimoebic Drugs, Anti-viral drugs and Anti-Cancer drugs
Unit 2: CNS Drugs or Psychopharmacological Agents: 
Antipsychotics, Antidepressant, Antianxiety, Hallucinogenic Drugs, Anti
Convulsants, Hypnotics & Sedative, Anti Parkinsonism Drugs,
Unit 3: Cardiac & Diuretics Drugs:
Drugs acting on the Cardiovascular, Hypertensive Drugs, Haematopoeic and
Renal Systems Cardiac drugs, diuretics.
Unit 4: Miscellaneous Drugs:
Anti-diabetic Dugs (Hypoglycemic Drugs) & Anti-Bacterial, Antituberrcular
and Antileprotic Drugs, Antifungal Drugs

Selected Topic In Chemistry


Unit-1: Molecular Rearrangements-1
Rearrangement to electron deficient atoms,
(A) Rearrangement to electron deficient carbon
(1) Pinacol Pinacol rearrangement
(2) Wangermeerwin rearrangement
(3) Wolf rearrangement
(B) Rearrange to Electron Deficient Nitrogen
(4) Hofmann rearrangement
(5) Curtius rearrangement
(6)Beckmann rearrangement
(C) Rearrangement to Electron Deficient Oxygen
(7) Baeyervilliger Reaction,
(8) Dakin Reaction
Unit-2 Molecular Rearrangements-2
(A) Rearrangement to electron deficient carbon
Stevens rearrangement, Witting rearrangement, Favorskii rearrangement
(B) Aromatic Rearrangement
Hofmann Martius rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Cope rearrangement
Benzidine rearrangement, Fries rearrangement
Unit-3 Organo Metallic Compounds
Organo Magnesium Compounds, Organo Aluminum Compounds, Organo
Cadmium Compounds, Organo Silicon Compounds, Organo Lithium
Unit-4 Name Reactions
Cannizaro Reaction, Dieckman Reaction, Fischer Indole Reaction, Leuckart
Reaction, Reformastky Reaction, Witting reaction, Pechmann Reaction,
Dilesalder Reaction, Wolfkishner Reduction, Friedel-Crafts Reaction,
Reimertiemann Reaction,

Disconnection Approach

CHNN-705 (A)

Subject Elective

Unit-1: Disconnection Approach
Introduction and definition of disconnection, Synthon, Sytnhetic equivalents,
Disconnection Approach, Functional Group Inter Conversion, used in
disconnection. The importance of order of events in organic synthesis, One and
two C-X group disconnection, and Synthesis of Amine, Reversal of Polarity.

Unit-2: Protecting Groups & Reactions:
Protection of organic functional groups, Protecting Reagents and Removal of
Protecting. Protection of Amine, Alcohol, Carbonyl and Carboxylic Acid
Groups. Suzuki Reaction, Smith Reaction, Sharpless Epoxidation Reaction,
Heck Reaction Micheal addition and Robinson Annulation.

Organic Chemical Toxicity & Solid Waste Management

CHNN-705 (B)

(Subject Elective)

Unit-1: Chemical Toxicology
Toxic Chemicals in the Environment, Impact of Toxic Chemical on Enzymes,
Biochemical Effects of Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic and Mercury, Minamata
Epidemic in Japan, Biological Methylation , Amplification of Mercury in food
Chain, Biochemical Effects of Ozone, PAN, Cyanide and Methyl Isocyanate,
Biochemical Effects of Pesticides and Carcinogens, Solution to Environmental
Problems, Preventive Environmental Managements, Industrial Ecosystem and
Better Industrial Process, Kalundborg Industrial Ecosystem.
Unit-2: Solid Waste Management, Treatment & Recycle
Classification of Solid Waste, Objective of Solid Waste Management,
Characteristics of Solid Waste, Municipal Solid Waste Treatment, Automatic
System of Composting, Vermi Composting, Sanitary Land Fill, Incineration,
Auto Thermal Incineration of dewatered sludge, industrial solid waste
treatment, High Temperature Incineration, Pyrolysis and Vitrification, Solid
waste management by biotechnology, Biomedical Waste and its treatment,
Recycling, Recovery, and Reuse of Paper, Glass and Plastics, Recovery of
Metal Ions, and Waste Oil.
M.Sc. semester 4 Syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. syllabus. hngu syllabus, hngu msc syllabus, hngu M.Sc. semester 4 syllabus,msc syllabus.msc inorganic syllabus


Unit:-1 Mass Spectroscopy 

Principles & Applications to Inorganic chemistry

Unit:-2 Electron Spectroscopy 

EXAFS, ESCA, Auger Electron Spectroscopy

Unit:-3 Luminescence Spectroscopy 


-Luminescence Spectroscopy

Principles and Applications to Inorganic Chemistry.

Unit:-4 Inorganic photo Chemistry: 

Introduction Photo Physical and Photochemical Laws & Kinetics, Photo

Physical & Chemical Processes of Transition Metal Complexes. Photo isomerization

of complexes.


Unit:- 1 Inorganic Polymers: 

Borazine or Borazole, substituted Borazines, boron nitride, silicones, poly

Phosphonitrilic Chloride, Poly ortho Phosphoric acids. Boro phosphate

glasses, Nitride of sulphur, Thiazyl halides, imides of sulphur.

Unit:-2 Co –ordination Polymers: 

Nature & reactions yielding co-ordination polymers Various use of Inorganic


Unit:-3 Stereo chemistry of unusual co-ordination number. 

Definition,stoichiometry,stereo chemistry,establishment of structure by IR

Spectra, Bonding and electronic structure.

Unit:-4 Molecular Polyhedra: 

Boron Hydrides &Higher boranes, three center bonds, basic assumptions, three

center orbitals in known structures the equation of balance, topological theory

its applications.

(Co-ordination Chemistry)

Unit:- 1 Methods of Coordination Compounds 

Methods of Studying Coordination Compounds:

Molar Conductivities, Cyclic Voltammetry, X-ray Crystalography.

Unit:-2 Magneto Chemistry: 

Introduction Origin of para-magnetism, Derivation o Van Vleck’s

equation, Calculation of magnetic susceptibility considering effect of spin-

orbit coupling and magnetic fields as sequential perturbation.

Ferromagnetism and Anti Ferromagnetism, Anti ferromagnetic exchange

pathways, direct metal-metal interaction. Super Exchange Model, Magnetic

susceptibility of binuclear Complexes.

Unit:-3 Complex Equilibrium: 

Introduction, Computation of Stability constants from equilibrium data. Basic

Principles, Mathematical functions and their melationships. Method of

Computing stability constants. Half-integral n-values, correction term Method,

Graphical methods. Numerical methods Experimental Determination of

Composition and Stability, Solvent extraction. Ion exchange and Polarographic


Unit:-4 Applications of Coordination Compounds 

Applications of coordination compounds in various fields.


Unit:- 1 Factors affecting on the corrosion of Iron Steel: 

Aqueous environment, Effect of dissolved oxygen, Temperature, pH, salts

metallurgical factors, varities of Iron Steel, composition, heat treatment.

Unit:-2 Inhibitors and Passivstors: 

Theories of Passivity, Mechanism of Passivation, Application of Passivators.

Packing inhibitors, Slushing compounds, vapor phase inhibitors.

Unit:-3 Cathodic and Anodic protection:

Theory of Cathodic Protection, Methods of Cathodic and Anodic Protection.

Unit:-4 Corrosion Resistance: 

a. Coatings for corrosion resistance:

Methods of application, classification, Inorganic and Organic coatings.

b. Alloying for corrosion resistance:

Stainless steel,Monel metal, Incelel, Hastalloy.

(Applications Of Inorganic Chemistry IN Industries)

Unit-1 :Pigments 

Introduction; Pigments in Foods-Naturally Occurring Plant-and Animal-

Pigments; Synthetic Food Pigments Such as Sunset Yellow, Allura Red, etc;

Pigments in Plants-raw materials for paints; Physical Properties of the Pigments

in paints; Brief descriptions of the manufacturing process and use of commonly

used pigments such as White Lead, Zinc Oxide, Titanium dioxide, etc.

Unit-2 Electrochemical Applications 

Introduction; Brief discussion on classical electro deposition of metals;

Advancement in the electrochemical industry-modification of electrode surface,

Brief discussion with respect to preparations and properties of surface modified

Electrodes such as nafion modified electrodes, pvp modified electrodes, etc;

Applications of surface modified electrodes such as Electro catalysis, ion

selective electrodes, etc.

Unit-3 Corrosion Inhibitors 

Introduction, Types of corrosion Principles of Corrosion Inhibitors, Corrosion

as an Electrochemical Process, Practical aspects of Corrosion Inhibition Anion

inhibitor properties in neutral electrolytes, some application of corrosion

inhibitors (cooling water circulation-ince through and open systems, engine

radiation & cooling systems, central heating system, refrigeration plants and

high chloride systems, water for steam raising, corrosion inhibitors for paint


Unit-4 Waste and Waste Water Technology 

Water processing, Operation of Waterworks, Wastewater flows and

Characteristics, Wastewater Collection Systems, Wastewater processing,

Operation of Wastewater Systems, Advanced wastewater treatment, Waste


(Fundamentals & Safety In Chemistry Laboratory)
CHNN-705(A)- (I)

Unit-1 Complex Equilibria 

Types of Complex Equilibria in Solution and Equilibrium Constants: Basic

Principles, Mathematical functions and their interrelationship. Statistical

Considerations. Factors affecting the stability constants of metal complexes.

Mixed ligand complexes.

Experimental methods for the determination of stability constants

Ion Exchange Methods, Polarography Methods. Solubility methods and least

square method for computing stability constant.

Unit-2 Safety in chemistry laboratories 

Good laboratory Practices: Elements of Good Laboratory Practices; Standard

operating Procedures; Quality Assurance, Handling of Hazardous Materials,

Toxic Materials(Various types of toxins and their effects on

humans),Explosives and Inflammable Materials, Types of fire extinguishers,

Bioactive materials, Recycling and Waste Disposal, Management in Chemical

Laboratories. Legal provisions regarding Chemical Laboratories, Environment

Protection Act, 1986

(Bioinorganic Chemistry)
CHNN-705(B)- (I)


The elements of living systems; The biological roles of metal ions. Calcium

Biochemistry, Iron biochemistry, Nonmetals biochemistry Enzymes exploiting

Acid Catalysis: Carbonic Anhydrase, Carboxy Peptidases.

Unit-2 Bioinorganic Chemistry-II 

Redox Catalysis; Iron Sulphur Proteins and Non-Heme Iron, Cytochromes of

the Electron transport chain,Cytochromes P-450 enzymes, Coenzyme B12 Blue

Copper proteins Metals in medicine: Antibiotic and related compounds, Chelate

therapy, Inhibition and Poisoning, Metal Complexes as Probes of Nucleic


M.Sc. semester 4 Syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. syllabus. hngu syllabus, hngu msc syllabus, hngu M.Sc. semester 4 syllabus,msc syllabus, msc physical syllabus


Unit:-1 Photo Chemistry-2 
Basics: Nature and importance of singlet and triplet oxygen, Photochemical
equivalence and photo stationary states (with examples), consequence of light
absorption (Jablonski diagram, radiative, non-radiative and chemical reactions,
Frank codon principle, Anti stroke behaviour.
Florescence: Theory of Florescence, Relation between Florescence intensity and
Quenching of Florescence, Kinetics of Quenching of Florescence (Photo
peroxidation reaction),
Factors affecting Quenching of florescence, Difference between fluorescence,
Phosphorescence and Chemiluminescence.
Mechanism of Reaction: Ene reactions, Cycloaddition reactions, Reduction
reaction, Radiolysis of water photo conductivity, CO2 reduction
Energy conversion and storage: Photo sensitizers, Transition metal complex,
Metal complex sensitizers, reaction sensitized by Mercury, Chlorine, Excimers
and Exciplexes.
Unit:-2 The Colloidal State
Colloidal systems:
Classification of colloids: Liophobic and Liophilic sols.
Preparation of hydrophobic colloidal solutions: despertion methods and
condensation methods
Purification of colloidal solutions:
Properties of colloidal systems: (1) Electrical properties: Charge on colloidal
particles, the electrical
double layer, DLVO theory of the stability of liophobic colloids, coagulation of
colloidal solutions
(2) Electro kinetic properties: Electrophoresis and electroosmosis
Determination of size of colloidal particles
Surfactants (Surface-active agents)
Hydrophile- Lipophile balance (HLB): (1) Micelle formation: The mass action
model and the phase separation model, shape and structure of micelles, micellar
aggregation numbers, the critical micelle concentration (CLC), factors affecting
CMC in aqueous media, thermodynamic approach to CMC, thermodynamics of
Micellization, Micelle concentration range (MTR) or Kraft point
Solubilisation: Location of solubalizates in micelles, the phase rule of
solubilisation, Emulsification by surfactants: Macro emulsions, factors
determining stability of emulsions, microemulsions
Theories of Emulsions: (1) Qualitative theories Bancroft rule (2) Quantitive
theories, The selections of surfactants as emulsifying agents, Gels and their
preparations, Importance and applications of colloids.
Unit:-3 Chemical Kinematics 
Theories of reaction rates: Kinetic theory of collision, Rate theory of based on
statistical mechanics, early dynamical theories and CTST
Unimolecular reactions: Perrin, Lindmann-Christiansen, Hisnhel wood, RRK,
RRRM and Slater,
Conventional transition state theory
Chain reactions: Features and kinetics of chain reaction, autooxidation, kinetics
of branched chain
reactions, explosion limits, a kinetic isotope effect (primary and secondary)
Reactions in solutions: Theory of absolute reaction rate, applicable to reaction
in solution (Ideal and real solution), Linear free energy relationship and
Hammett equation, Deviation from Hammett equation. Significance of and p
Examples: kinetics of organic decomposition of CH3CHO, butane, reaction
between H2 and O2.
Unit 4:- Spectroscopy 
UV-visible: principle, instrumentation, determination of pK value of indicator,
and instability constant, qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Raman Spectroscopy: Raman effect, difference from IR and fluorescence,
nature of spectra, selection rule, basic instrumentation and applications.
Atomic absorption spectroscopy: Basic principle, advantages over flame
emission spectroscopy, basic instrumentation and applications
Emission spectroscopy: Basic principle, radiative and non-radiative decay,
internal conversion, basic instrumentation and applications.


Unit:-1 Solvation and Solvent Effects: 
Qualitative understanding of solvent-solute effects on reactivity.
Thermodynamic measure of solvation. Effects of solvation on reaction rates and
Various empirical indexes of solvation based on physical properties, solvent
sensitive reaction rates, spectroscopic properties and scales of specific salvation,
use of salvation scales in mechanistic studies. Solvent effects from the curve
crossing model.
Electrochemistry of material science: Corrosion of ultrapure material, cathodic
reaction in corrosion, thermodynamics and stability of metals, uses and abuses
of Poubaix diagram, corrosion and Evans diagram, methods of studying
corrosion, types of corrosion, inhibition of corrosion, passivation and
depassivation. Corrosion of iron in presence and absence of oxygen.
Unit:-2 Ionic liquids: 
Definition, features of ionic liquids, models of ionic liquids (lattice-oriented
models and gas-oriented models), solvent properties of fused nonmetallic
oxides, fused oxide system in metallurgy.
Protons in solution: conditions of proton solvation, heat of hydration of proton,
proton transport (abnormal mobility of proton, conduction by chain reaction,
quantum mechanical proton jumps), proton mobility in ice.
Electrochemical energy conversion and storage: Electrochemical generator
(Hydrogen oxygen cell, hydrocarbon air cells, natural gas co air cells, dissolved
fuel air cells), quantities of electricity storage (storage density, energy density
and power), electricity storage using alkali metals and non-aqueous solutions.
Unit:-3 Electro Kinetic Phenomena: 
Electroosmosis, streaming potential, electrophoresis, determination of Zeta
potentials, Zeta potentials, influence of ions on electro kinetic phenomena,
electrophoretic mobility and bound hydrogen ion.
Quantum aspects of charge transfer: quantum aspects of charge transfer reaction
or electrode solution interface, mechanics of electron, penetration of electrons in
to classically forbidden regions, probability of electron tunneling through
barriers, tunneling condition and proton transfer curve, de-elections, reaction. A
symmetry factor B.
Bio electro chemistry: electrical conduction in biological cells (electronic,
protonic), electrochemical mechanism in neurons, interfacial electron transport
in biological systems, conduction and electron transport in biological systems.
Unit:-4 Solutions of Non-Electrolytes: 
Solutions of liquids in liquids, Raoult’s law, Vapor pressures of ideal solutions
Activity of component in an ideal solution, Chemical potentials of ideal and
non-ideal solutions, Gibbs-Duhem-Margules equation, Temperature dependence
of vapor pressure of solution, Thermodynamics of ideal solutions, Free energy
change of mixing for an ideal solution, Volume change and enthalpy change of
mixing for an ideal solution, Entropy change of mixing for an ideal solution
Pressures of non-ideal solutions, Pressure composition and boiling point
Composition curves of completely miscible binary solutions, Fractional
distillation of binary liquid solutions, Azeotropic mixtures, Lever rule and
fractional distillation, Distillation of immiscible liquids, Solubility of partially
miscible liquids, UCST and LCST, Phenol-water system, Aniline-hexane
Triethylamine-water system, Nicotine-water system, Solutions of gases in
liquids, Factors influencing solubility of a gas, Henry’s law, Henry’s law and
Raoult’s law Questions and problems


Unit:-1; Structure of Polymers 
Chemical structure and properties of polymers: Mechanical properties,
Thermal stability, flammability and flame resistance, chemical resistance,
degradability, electrical conductivity, Optical properties.
Copolymerization: Nomenclature of Co-Polymers with examples
(Unspecified, Statistical, Alternate, Ideal, Random, Block and Graft) Kinetics of
free Radical copolymerization, Binary co-polymerization equation,
Composition of copolymers, Reactivity Ratios, Q-e scheme. Polymer blends,
some common copolymers (Ethylene copolymers, styrene copolymers, vinyl
chloride copolymers)
Unit:-2: Synthesis of Polymers and Molecular Weight determination
Methods of Synthesis: Bulk polymerization, precipitation, Emulsion
polymerization, Suspension polymerization, Interfacial polymerization,
-Methods for determination of average molecular weight of polymer:
Colligative Property measurement, Light scattering methods, dilute solution
viscometry, ultra-centrifugation, mass spectrometry, refractive index
-Weight Distribution Methods: Gel permission chromatography, fractional
solution, fractional precipitation, gradient elution, TLC.
Unit :- 3; Polymer Morphology and Processing 
Crystallinity in polymer: Degree of crystallinity, determination of crystallinity,
morphology of crystalline polymer (Lamellae, Spherulites, Helix)
-Rheology of polymers: Hook’s equation, Newton equation, Maxwell, Voigt
model, Burger Model, Deformation behaviour of materials, relaxation and
-Polymer processing: Compounding, Casting, Moulding, Foaming, Rein
forcing, Fibre spinning,
Unit :- 4; Characterisation, Analysis and Testing of Polymers
Chemical Analysis, -Spectroscopic Analysis (IR, Raman, NMR, ESR, UV
visible, fluorescence), -X-Ray Diffraction Analysis, -Thermal Analysis (TGA,
TMA, DSC, DTA), -Physical Testing (Mechanical Properties, Thermal
Properties, Optical properties, Electrical Properties)


Unit 1: Chemistry of Nanomaterial’s 
Classification and nomenclature of nanomaterials: Nanosized metals and alloys,
semiconductors, Organic semiconductors, Carbon materials; Zero-, One, Two
and Three dimensional nanostructures-Quantum dots, Quantum wells, Quantum
rods, Quantum wires, Quantum rings; Synthesis of nanomaterials (Nucleation
and growth of nano systems; self-assembly, mechanical Milling, Chemical
reduction and oxidation, Hydrothermal, Micelles, Sol-Gel processes, photolysis,
radiolysis) Designing of advanced integrated nano-composites, fundamental
properties (Size effects on structure and morphology of free or supported nano
particles, size and confinement effects), applications of nano materials.
Unit 2: Green Chemistry 
Need for Green Chemistry, Goals of green chemistry, Limitations/obstacles in
pursuit of the goals of green chemistry, green chemistry in sustainable
development. Twelve principles of green chemistry with their explanation and
examples; designing a green synthesis using these principles, immobilized
solvents and ionic liquids; energy requirements for reactions like use of
microwaves, ultrasonic energy; green synthesis of adipic acid, catechol,
ibuprofen, paracetamol, BHT. Microwave assisted reactions in water (Hofmann
elimination, Hydrolysis of benzyl chloride, Benzamide), Ultrasound assisted
reactions in water (Esterification, saponification, substation reactions,
alkylation, oxidation, reduction)
Unit 3: Nuclear Chemistry-1 
Introduction. Atomic structure, Isotopes, Isomers, Isobars, Isotones.
Nuclear reaction, Nuclear stability, Mass spectrograph, Thomson’s parabola
method, Aston’s Dempster’s, Bainbridge Neir’s Nuclear reactions
classifications, Q-values equation and calculations, Cross-sections and its
determination, High energy reactions, Direct nuclear reactions, Photo nuclear
reactions, Thermo nuclear reactions, Nuclear radio activity: α,β,Υ rays, Decay
schemes, Group displacement rules, Mechanism of radioactive decay, GEIGER-
NUTTALS RULE, Rate of nuclear disintegration, Radioactive equilibrium and
its types, Cyclotron, Synchrotron, Linear accelerator.
Unit 4: Nuclear Chemistry-2 
Methods of artificial disintegration, Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, Atomic
bomb, Hydrogen bomb, Nuclear Models: Shell Model (periodicity, properties,
magic number nuclear configuration), liquid drop model and semi empirical
equation, fermi gas model, collective model.
Synthesis of radio isotopes of Na and C
Application of Radio isotopes: Chemical investigations, age determination,
Medicinal applications, analytical applications and industrial applications.


Unit: 1: 
(A) High performance (Pressure) liquid Chromatography
Introduction, Principle, Instrumentation, Apparatus and Materials,
Column efficiency and selectivity, Comparison of High-performance
liquid chromatography and Gas Liquid chromatography, Applications,
HPLC adsorption Chromatography, HPLC partition chromatography
(B) Adsorption Chromatography
Introduction, Theory, Adsorbents, Solvents, Procedure, Differences
between Adsorption and gas liquid chromatography, Limitations,
Applications of Adsorption chromatography
(A) Column Chromatography
Introduction, Principle, Experimental details, Theory of development
Column efficiency, Factors affecting column efficiency, Applications of
Column chromatography
(B) Gel Chromatography or Gel Permeation Chromatography
Introduction, Principle, Materials, Gel preparation, Column packing and
detectors, Applications, Advantage of Gel chromatography
(C) Ion Exchange Chromatography
Introduction, Definition, Principle, Cation exchangers, Anion
exchangers, Regeneration, Ion exchange Column used in
chromatographic separations, Selections of suitable systems, Ion
exchange capacity, Ion exchange techniques, Application of ion


Unit:1 Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy 
Introduction, The range of infrared radiation, Nomenclature of infrared
spectra, Theory of Infrared Absorption spectroscopy or requirements for
infrared radiation absorption, Mathematical theory of IR Absorption
spectroscopy, Linear molecules, Symmetric top molecules, Asymmetric
Molecules, Instrumentation, Single beam and double beam
spectrophotometers, Modes of vibrations of atoms in polyatomic
molecule, Factors which influence Vibrational Frequencies, Selection
rules, Positions and intensity of bands, Intensity of Absorption bands,
Units of measurements, Applications of infrared spectroscopy to organic
compounds, Applications of infrared spectroscopy to inorganic
complexes, Miscellaneous Examples, Attenuated total reflectance,
Nondispersive infrared, Photothermal beam deflection spectroscopy
(PBDS), Application of Infrared spectroscopy to quantitative analysis,
Limitations of Infrared spectroscopy
(A) Raman spectroscopy
Introduction, Principle, Characteristic properties of Raman lines,
Differences between Raman spectra and Infrared spectra, Mechanism of
Raman effect, Instrumentation, Intensity of Raman peaks, Applications of
Raman spectroscopy, Short type questions
(B) Visible Spectrophotometry and colorimetry
Introduction, Theory of Spectrophotometry and colorimetry, Deviations
from Beer’s law, Instrumentation, Obtaining and Interpreting data,
Applications of colorimetry and spectrophotometry, Molar compositions
of complexes, Spectrophotometric titrations
(C) Ultraviolet spectroscopy
Introduction, Origin and theory of ultraviolet spectra, Types of transitions
of Inorganic molecules, Types of transitions of organic molecules, The
shape of UV absorption curves, Transition probability



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Bsc sem 6 previous years question papers of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU). Bsc sem 6 old papers.

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