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M.Sc. semester 3 syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. course syllabus. M.Sc. semester 3 old papers.

M.Sc. Semester 3 New Syllabus 

M.Sc. semester 3 syllabus , hngu M.Sc. syllabus

  1. M.Sc. Semester 3 New Syllabus   of  INORGANIC , ORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.
  2. Last four year old papers

Organic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Physical chemistry

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old papers (M.Sc sem 3 old papers) 

M.Sc. Semester 3 New Syllabus & OLD PAPERS.  M.Sc. semester 3 syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. course syllabus. M.Sc. semester 3 old papers. hngu materials, M.Sc.


 Inorganic  Chemistry

 M.Sc. Semester-III Inorganic Chemistry Paper –I (Inorganic Spectroscopy) CHNN-601-(I)
Unit:- 1 E.S.R. & N.Q.R. Spectroscopy
E.S.R. Spectra of transition metal complexes :
Theory of E.S.R. (Basic principles). The presentation of E.S.R. Spectrum, Hyperfine splitting, SpinHamiltonian, Applications. 
N.Q.R. Spectroscopy:- 
Theory of N.Q.R. Origin of Transition, Experimental Techniques. Townes and Dailey’s Formula, Structural Information from N.Q.R, Illustrated by suitable Examples.
 Unit:- 2 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Application of (a)Valence-electron & photo-electron Spectroscopy (b) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Unit:-3: Magneto Chemistry: 
Principle & application of magneto chemistry: Basic (Diamagnetic, Para magnetic, ferromagnetic, anti-ferromagnetic), Magnetic properties of free ions.
Unit:-4 Organo Metallic Compounds (OMC):
General Introduction & Principles. Factors governing the properties of OMC, General trends in Chemical Properties, Nature of metal-carbon Bond, Preparative methods, Reactions & applications. Organo Aluminum & Beryllium Compounds, Organo boranes

M.Sc. Semester-III Inorganic Chemistry Paper –II (Bio-inorganic & Organometallic Compounds) CHNN-602-(I)

Unit:- 1 Bio-inorganic Chemistry 
Introduction, The Biochemistry of iron, Iron Storage and Transport, Haemoglobin and Myoglobin, Cytochromes. Other Iron-Porphyrin Biomolecules, other Natural Oxygen Carriers, Iron-Sulphur Proteins.
Unit:-2 The Biochemistry of Transition metal  
Zinc, Copper, Cobalt, Molybdenum and Tungsten Miscellaneous Other Elements: Vanadium, Chromium, Nickel.
Unit:-3 Organometallic Compounds 
Organometallic Compounds & metal complexes as catalyst in Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Systems: Oxidative-addition, Reductive elimination. Migration (insertion) Reactions, Hydroformylation, Hydrogenation, Carboxylation. Polymerization, Fisher-Troops Process, Water Gas Shift Reaction.
Unit:-4 Uranic Elements  
Chemistry of Trans Uranic Elements.

M.Sc. Semester-III Inorganic Chemistry Paper –III (Corrosion) CHNN-603-(I) 

Unit:-1 Types of Corrosion 
a. Importance of Studying Corrosion. Electrochemical Mechanism- Type of Corrosion Damage,                (Uniform Attack, Pitting, Dezincification, Intergranular Cracking). 
b. Corrosion Tendency And Electrode Potential: The Oxygen Electrode and Differential Cell, Aeration      Cell, Pourbaix Diagram, Emfiane Galvanic Series. 
Unit:-2 Atmospheric Corrosion
a. Polarization : The polarized cell, How measured, Causes of polarization, Hydrogen over voltage, Influence of polarization on corrosion rate
b. Atmospheric Corrosion : Types of atmospheres, corrosion product films. Factors influencing corrosivity of the atmosphere, Remedial measures.
Unit:-3 Underground Corrosion  
a. Underground Corrosion: Factors Influencing The Corrosively of Soils, Pitting, Characteristics,                     Remedial Measures. 
b. Oxidation and Tarnish : Theory e.g. of Oxidation, Wagner Theory of Corrosion. Oxidation resistant alloys.
Unit:-4 Corrosion & Cracking  
a. Stray Current Corrosion: Sources of stray current Detection of stray current. Method of Measuring         the Resistivity of Soil, Effect of stray current on steel covered by concrete. Damage of sneep by SC.
b. Stress Corrosion Cracking - Mechanism of cracking. Hydrogen Cracking - Mechanism of Cracking.     Corrosion Fatigue - Mechanism of Cracking. Fretting Corrosion - Mechanism of Cracking.             Treatment of Water and Steam System. Hot and Cold Water Treatment, Boiler Water Treatment.   

M.Sc. Semester-III Inorganic Chemistry Paper –III (Co-ordination Chemistry) CHNN-603-(I)

Unit:- 1Theories of bonding:  
Theoretical principles of CFT, Introduction to spherical harmonics & the shape of d-orbitals, Derivation of crystal field potential for tetragonal, cubic and Square planar arrangement of ligands around central metal ion. Transformation of these potential from Cartesian to spherical harmonics. Effect of Voct on d1 system. Evaluation of the various integrals involved. Solution of the secular determinant to obtain energies and corresponding wave functions, Crystal field splitting diagram for Oh, Td & Square planar systems.
Unit:-2Theory of Electronic Spectra  
R.S Coupling & J. J. Coupling Ladder operators : - Step up & Step down operators and their use to obtain wave functions. - Derivation and use of the equation. X(α)=sin(l+1)α/2 =2A2g/3T1g Sin α/2
Unit:-3 Weak Field Approximation 
 The splitting of the free ion terms of d2 in an oh field Calculation in weak field,approximation energy of the various terms;2A2g,3T2g, & 3T1g derived from 3F(d2) in an Oh field. Strong field approximation : Determination of multiplicities by the method of descending symmetry. Calculation of energy of various terms within the frame work of strong field approximation.
Unit:-4 Electronic Spectra of Metal Complexes   
Introduction, Selection rules, Vibronic coupling spectra of Ti(III), VO(IV), Ni(II), Co(II), Co(III), Fe(II), Fe(III), Cu(II), Mn(II) complexes under different geometries, Jahn-Tellor theorem.

M.Sc. Semester-III Inorganic Chemistry Paper –IV “Inorganic Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry” CHNN-604-(I) 

Unit:- 1 Pharmacopocia and Monography:  
(a) Pharmacopocia and Monography: Electrolytes, major physiological ions, physiological acid-base         balance, acid base imbalance, electrolytes used for replacement therapy, electrolytes used in                     combination therapy.
(b)Gastro-intenstinal agents-Acidifying agents, gastric artacids, protective and adsorbents, saline                 cathartics Antioxidants and buffers 
Unit:-2 Respiratory System 
Expectorants and Emetics-Symptoms of Respiratory Disease Expectorants, Antitussive and Emetics.
(a)Topical agents- Protective, Astringents and Antimicrobials 
Unit:-3 Role of Metal ions in Medicine  
Trace Elements- Copper, Iron, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc, Their Compounds and Their Relevance.
(a) Metals in Medicine: Biomedical Significance. Role of Metal Ions in Drug Design Platinum Antitumor Agents-Discovery and Development, Synthesis. 
Unit:-4 Medicinal Metal Complexes  
(a) Vanadium Complexes- oxovanadium (IV)complexes for diabetes treatment
(b) Medicinal Applications of Metal complexes of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHC)-NHC Precursors         and Metal Complexes-Pyridine Based NHC Precursors and Metal Complexes, NHC Rhodium                 Complexes. 

M.Sc. Semester-III Inorganic Chemistry Paper –V (Environmental Chemistry) CHNN-605-(A) “SUBJECTIVE ELECTIVE”

Unit:- 1- Environmental Chemistry
Types of Water Pollutants: Organic, Inorganic, Radionucluds and their determination COD, BOD and Industrial Waste Water Treatment For Solids, Metals, Dissolved Organics and Inorganics. Air Pollutants-CO, SOx, NOx, CFC, Hydrocarbon and Their Monitoring Disposal of Hazardous Wastes.
Unit:- 2- Chemical and Bio fertilizers 
Chemical Fertilizers, Applications, Adverse effects, Advantage of Bio fertilizers. Types of Mineral Fertilizers: Nitrogenous Fertilizers, Phosphoric and Potassium fertilizers, NPK grades. Nitrogen bio fertilizer: Rhizobium(Symbiotic) Azetobactor(Non Symbiotic) Phosphorus Bio fertilizer: P.S.B. phosphate solubilizing bacteria. 

M.Sc. Semester-III Inorganic Chemistry Paper –III (Advanced Industrial Inorganic Chemistry) CHNN-605-(B) “SUBJECTIVE ELECTIVE”

Unit:- 1- Nanomaterials in Chemistry 
Introduction to Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry, Classification of Nanomaterials General Methods of Preparation and Applications. Chemical and catalytic aspects of Nanocrystals-Nanomaterials in catalysis, as adsorbents, as new chemical reagents.
Unit:- 2- Smart Materials 
Ceramics, Alloys, Gels and Polymers. Piezoelectric Materials, Electrostrictive and Magnetostrictive Materials, Rheological, Thermoresponve, pH sensitive Halochromic Materials, Electrochromic Materials and Smart gels.

M.Sc. Semester 3 New Syllabus & OLD PAPERS.  M.Sc. semester 3 syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. course syllabus. M.Sc. semester 3 old papers. hngu materials, M.Sc.


M.Sc. Semester-III Organic Chemistry Paper –I Natural Products CHNN-601-(O)

Unit-1 Natural Coloring Matter: 

Classification General Method of Structural Determination, Biosynthesis studies of Anthocyanine (Cyanin and Palargonidin, Flavones (Chrysin), Flavonols (Quercetin), Flavonone (Dihydro flavone) and Isoflavones (Daidzein), Coumarin, Quinones (Polyporic acid), Porphyrin. Chemistry of Hemin and Chlorophyll.
Unit-2 Terpenoids:  
Chemistry of Abietic Acid, Gibberellic acid Gibberellin-A), Squalene, Eudesmol, Phytol and Cadinene, Zingiberene, Biosynthesis study of Triterpenoid and Tetra terpenoid
Unit-3 Vitamins:  
Detailed Study of Chemistry of Thiamine (Vitamin-B1), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin-B2), Pyridoxine-(Vitamin-B6), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin-C) Tocopherols (Vitamin-E), Biotin (Vitamin-H), and Biological importance of Vitamins
Unit-4 Alkaloids: 
General Biogenetic Studies of Alkaloids, Chemistry of Reserpine, Colchicine, Strychnine, Morpholine, Narcotine.

M.Sc. Semester-III Organic Chemistry Paper –II Industrial Chemistry CHNN-602-(O) 

Unit-1 Basic Principle of Unit Process & GMP, GLP:

Basic Chemical Data, Batch Versus Continuous Operation, Design Flowcharts, Chemical Process Selection, Safety Hazards, Fire and Toxic Materials, Research and Development, Patents. Good Manufacturing Practice and Laboratory Practice. Unit Process and Unit Operations, Nitration, Halogenation, Animation, Sulphonation and Hydroxylation. 
Unit-2: Soap, Detergents and Preservatives:  
Detergents, Surfactants, Alkyl Benzenes, Fatty Acids and Fatty Alcohols, Soaps. Essential Oils, Constituents, Animal Fixatives, Fruit Concentrates, Vanilla, Chocolate, Monosodium Glutamate, Food Additives, Preservatives.
Unit-3: Oils, Fats & Agrochemicals: 
Vegetable Oils, Cotton Seed Oil, Hydrogenation, Agrochemicals, Insecticides, Fungicides, Weedicides, Rodenticides, Plant Nutrients, Plant Hormones.
Unit-4 Pulp & Paper: 
Pulp, Pulping Process, Sugar-Ethanol Industries Base Carboxyl Manufacture of Paper and Rayon.

M.Sc. Semester-III Organic Chemistry Paper –III Synthetic Drugs CHNN-603-(O)

Unit-1: Drug Design & QSAR: 
Introduction Naming of Organic Medicinal Compounds, Literature of Medicinal Chemistry, Classification of Drugs, Drug Design, Relation between Molecule Structure and Biological Activity (QSAR), Receptor Site Theory, Pharmacopies, Indian Standards, Modern Methods of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Diagnostic Agents, Pharmaceutical Aids: Solvents, Vehides, Flavors, Suspending Agents, Surfactants, Emulsifying Agents.
Unit-2: Antibiotics: 
Classification, Synthesis and Activity of Penicillin, Cephalosporins, Streptomycin, Tetracycline’s, Actinomycin, Chloramphenicol and Polyene.
 Chemistry of Sulpha Drugs, Synthesis and Uses, Sulphanilamide, Sulphafurazole, Sulphaguanidine, Sulphathiazole, Sulphamerazine, Sulfalene, Sulfathiazole, Trimethoprim.
Unit-4: Miscellaneous Drugs: 
Drugs Stimulating or Blocking The Peripheral Nervous System: Cholinergic & Anticholinergic Drugs, Histamine & Antihistamine, Local and General Anesthetics.

M.Sc. Semester-III Organic Chemistry Paper –IV Selected Topics IN Organic Chemistry CHNN-604-(O) 

 Unit-1: Heterocyclic Chemistry-I
Introduction of Heterocyclic Compounds, Nomenclature and Classification of Heterocyclic Compounds, Monocyclic Diheteroatomic Compounds (5 & 6 members) Synthesis and Chemical Reactivity of Pyrazole, Isoxazole, Isothiazole, Imidazole, Oxazole, thiazole.
Unit-2: Heterocyclic Chemistry-II
Reaction and Synthesis of Bicyclic Heterocyclic Compounds Quinoline and Isoquinoline, Nucleophilc Substitution with Displacement of Halide, Reactions with Reducing Agents, Grignard’s Reaction. Electrophilic substitution reactions of substituted Quinoline and Isoquinoline. Synthesis of Quinolone: Skraup Synthesis, Knorr Synthesis, Isoquinoline: Bischner-Napieralski Synthesis, Heterocyclic System Containing Two Nitrogen Atoms: Synthesis of Cinnoline, Quinolone, Quinoxaline, Phthalazine.
Unit-3: Application of Oxidation Reagents:  
Na2Cr2O7, KMnO4, CF3COOH, MnO2, Ag2CO3, NaIO4, SeO2, H2O2, Al(OiPr)3, Al(O-tBu)3 
Unit-4: Application of Reduction Reagents: 
LiAlH4, Fe+HCl, NH2NH2, BH3, NaBH4, NaBH4+ CeCl3 7H2O, Pd/H2, Ni/H2, Pt/H2, Diisobutyl Aluminum Hydride(DIBAl-H), Sodium Cyano Borohydride and Sodium triacetoxy Borohydride,

M.Sc. Semester-III Organic Chemistry Paper –V Green Chemistry CHNN-605-(A) (Subject Elective)

Unit-1: Green Chemistry-1:

Green Chemistry Definition and Introduction, Need for Green Chemistry, Metathesis: A Classical Example of Green Chemistry, Principal of Green Chemistry, Green Chemistry in India , Green Guidelines Used in Laboratory, Green Chemistry in Everyday life. 
Unit-2: Green Chemistry-2:   
Tools of Green Chemistry, Green Starting Materials, Green Catalysts, Green Reactions, Green Solvents, Ionic Liquids, Green Reaction Conditions, Green Chemical Products, Reactions in Solid Phase, Catalysis, Biocatalysts and Phase Transfer Catalyst, Use of Renewable Feed Stock, Energy Efficiency, Green Chemistry Practices, Organic Preparations, Synthesis of Green Reagents. 

M.Sc. Semester-III Organic Chemistry Paper –V Photo Chemistry CHNN-605 (B) (Subject Elective) 

Unit-1: Photochemistry & Photochemistry of Alkenes: 

Introduction of Electromagnetic Radiant with Matter, Law of Photochemistry, Fate of Excited Molecule, Types of Excitations, Transfer of Excitation Energy, Quantum Yield / Quantum Efficiency, Photolytic Cleavage, The fate of Excited Molecule, Physical and Chemical Process, Intermolecular Reactions of the Olefinic Bond, Geometrical Isomerism, Cyclisation Reactions, Rearrangement of 1,4 and 1,5 dienes. 
Unit-2: Photochemistry of Carbonyl & Aromatic Compounds  
Norrish Type-1 α-Cleavage Reaction, Norrish Type-2 Reaction, Intermolecular Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds Saturated Cyclic and Acyclic, β-γ, unsaturated and α-β,Unsaturated Compounds, Cyclohexaenones, Intermolecular Cycloaddition Reactions Dimerization and Oxetane Formation, Isomerization, Additions and Substitutions, Di-π Methane Rearrangement.

M.Sc. Semester 3 New Syllabus & OLD PAPERS.  M.Sc. semester 3 syllabus. HNGU M.Sc. course syllabus. M.Sc. semester 3 old papers. hngu materials, M.Sc.

Physical Chemistry

M.Sc. SEMESTER-III Physical Chemistry CHNN-601(P) Paper-I

Unit-1 Photo Chemistry Basics:
Einstein law, laws of Photochemistry (Grothus law, -Draper law, Bunsen-roscoe’s, law of photochemical equivalence, Plotnikov law), quantum yield, Deviation from photochemical equivalence, (Reasons of high and low yield), experimental methods for determination of quantum yield , factors affecting quantum yield. Photochemical kinetics: Rate constants of reactive energy states, life times of reactive energy states, seat of photochemical reactions, Determination of rate constants of reactions, effect of light intensity on the rate of photochemical reaction, photo reaction which do not involve chain reaction and reactions which involve chain reaction. Photochemical reaction: types and classification of photo chemical reaction, photooxidation, photo oxygenation, photo fragmentation, photo dissociation, photo isomerisation and photo reduction, Environmental photochemistry: photo dissociation of oxygen, photo oxidation of proteins, formation of smog, thermo luminescence, phonophoresis, photochemical inhibition, photo reduction of dyes by two electron transfer process.
Unit 2: Adsorption Isotherm:  
 Chemical & physical adsorption isotherm, Freundlich, Langmuir and BET adsorption equation, Gibb’s adsorption isotherm, Temkin adsorption isotherm. Experimental Adsorption Measurements: methods for surface area, Measurement of adsorption isotherm (Experimental), determination Enthalpy and heat of adsorption Films: Structure of surface films, Status of monomolecular surface films and their advantage, Types of insoluble films, Gaseous films and continues film. Application: Detergency and Adsorption and Homogeneous/ Heterogeneous catalysis, Adsorption and indicators, adsorption and Water (softening, deionization, electrical demineralization).
Unit: 3 Solid state chemistry Solid:  
Type of solids, Difference between crystalline solid and Amorphous solid, close packing perfect and imperfect crystals, intrinsic and extrinsic defects, point defects, line and plane defects. Schottky and Frenkel defects, consequences of stoichiometric defects, Crystal Growth: Factors affecting the shape of growing crystal, crystal growth and Techniques of single crystal growth. Conductorone theory of solids. Super conductors, upper conductors of type I and II BCS theory of superconductors, Messner’s effect. Solid state reactions: General principles, experimental procedures, coprecipitation as a precursor to solid state reaction, kinetics of solid-state reaction.
Unit: 4 Phase Equilibrium  
Phase, components, degree of freedom, condition for equilibrium between phases, The Gibb’s phase rule, Derivation of the phase rule, One-component system, The water system, The carbon dioxide system, The sulphur system, Some typical solved examples for One-component System, The liquid helium system, High pressure phase diagrams, The water system, the carbon system, Two-component system, Type A simple eulectic systems, Thermal analysis: cooling curves, Lead-silver system, Bismuth-Cadmium System, potassium iodide-water system, Representation of triangular plot, Partially miscible ternary liquid system, Experimental methods used for Obtaining triangular, Phase transition-second order, Exercises.

M.Sc. SEMESTER-III Physical Chemistry CHNN-602(P) Paper-II

UNIT:1 Reversible Cells:

reaction in Reversible cells, Free Energy and heat changes in reversible cells, Amalgam cells, Activity coefficients from cells with transference, Quinine- hydroquinone system, Two stage oxidation reduction. Liquid Junction : Liquid junction potentials of same electrolytes, General equation of liquid junction potential, Types of boundary, free diffusion junction , flowing junction , constrained diffusion junction Electrolytic Conduction: Mechanism of electrolytic conductance (Debye Huckel Onsager Conductance equation) validity of DHO equation (Aqueous &non aqueous solution), Deviation of DHO Equation, Debye Falkenhagen effect and Wien effect, Migration of ions: Transference number (True, apparent& Abnormal), Transference numbers in mixture, Factors effecting transference numbers, Methods for determining transference numbers. 
UNIT 2 : Acids and Bases:  
Types of solvents, Dissociation constant, determination of dissociation constants of mono and poly basic acids by E.M.F. methods, colorimetric methods and conductimetric methods, Effect of solvent on dissociation constant, Determination of ionic product of water by conductometric method and E.M.F. method. Amphoteric electrolytes: properties of Dipolar ions, E.M.F methods for determination of dissociation constant of amino acids, proportion of dipolar ions, isoelectric point. Neutralization curves for ampholytes, activity coefficient of ampholytes.
UNIT 3 Over voltage:  
Theories of Hydrogen Overvoltage (Bubble formation, Combination of atoms as slow process, ion Discharge as the process, proton 8 transfer as the slow process), Factors effecting overvoltage, oxygen overvoltage, hydrogen overvoltage. Polarisation: Electrolytic polarisation, Dissolution and decomposition potentials, metal deposition, concentration polarisation, Decomposition voltage in aqueous solution, Metal dissolution. Reversible Oxidation and Reduction: Reversible Oxidation and Reduction process, nonreversible process, Factor effecting electrolytic reduction and electrolytic oxidation, Application of electrolytic oxidation and reduction. Electro Organic Synthesis: complete cell design designer electrodes, polymerization of anions, Oxidation of Fatty acids, Brown-walker Electro synthesis.
Electrophoresis and electro chromatography: principle, types, instrumentation and applications, capillary electrophoresis: Basic, Principle, instrumentation & Application. Coulometry and amperometry: Basic, instrumentation & Application. Polarography: Principle, wave equations, instrumentation & Application. Voltametery (Cyclic Voltametery, Andodic stripping). 

M.Sc. SEMESTER-III Physical Chemistry CHNN-603(P) Paper-III 

Unit 1: Introduction to Polymer 

History, Classification on the Basis of Use and Chemical structure and geometrical structure, degree of Polymerization, Polydispersity, Average Molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, molecular Forces and chemical Bonding in Polymers. Structure and Property relationship in fibres, elastomers and fibres Naturally occurring polymers (Rubber, Asphaltenes, Shellac, Cellulose, Starch, Proteins, Nucleic acid, silk, wool) Synthetic polymers (Buna S, Buna N , Thiokol, Rayon, Polyester Fibres, Inorganic and partially inorganic polymers) 
Unit 2: Physical Properties of Polymers 
Force in polymers: Molecular forces and bonding in polymers (primary and secondary forces), intermolecular forces and physical properities (volatility and molecular weight, miscibility and solubility), Polymer structure and physical property: Crystalline melting point, properties involving small deformations, properties involving large deformations, Glass Transition Temperature: Definition of Glass Transition Temp. (state of Aggregate & state of phase), Secondary glass transition temp. (state of Aggregate & state of phase), Secondary glass transition temperature, Factors effecting Tg, Relation Between Tm & Tg, The WLF equation, Methods for determination of Glass Transition Temp. 
Unit 3: Mechanism and Kinetics of polymerization
Chain polymerization: Mechanism and Kinetics of Free Radical, Cationic & Anionic chain Polymerization, Co-ordination polymerization: Ziegler –Natta Catalyst, Mechanism Of Ziegler-Natta polymerization (mono-metallic & Bio-metallic), early Kinetics models for Ziegler-Natta catalyst, Active centre. 10 Step Polymerization: Mechanism of step Polymerization, Polyfunctional step polymerization. Kinetics of Linear polycondensation polymerisation (Acid catalysed & Noncatalyzed) Ring opening Polymerisation: of cyclic ethers and cyclic amides. 
Unit 4: Polymer Reactions
Polymer degradation: Types of degradation, photo degradation, Mechanical degradation, Thermal degradation, oxidation degradation, Hydrolytic degradation. Polymer Reactions: Acidolysis, Amino lysis, Addition, Substitution, Crosslinking and cyclisation Reaction. Polymer solution: criteria of polymer solubility, conformations in polymer chains in solution, Entropy and heat of mixing of polymer solutions, phase equilibrium in polymer solutions.    

M.Sc. SEMESTER-III Physical Chemistry CHNN-604 (P) Paper-IV

Unit 1: Mass Spectrometry 

Introduction ion production E1, C1 FD, ESI and FAB, factors affecting fragmentation, ion analysis, ion abundance, Mass spectral fragmentation of organic compounds, common functional groups, molecular ion peak, meta stable peak. Me Lafferty rearrangement, nitrogen rule, High resolution mass spectrometry, Examples of mass spectral fragmentation of organic compounds with respect to their structure Determination. 
Unit 2: X-ray Diffraction
 Principle, Theory-X-ray spectral lines, X-ray tube emission, Bragg condition, Miller Indices, Laue method, Bragg Method, Debye-Scherrer method of X-ray structural analysis of crystals, index reflections, identification of unit cells from systematic absences in diffraction pattern, structural of simple lattices, X-ray intensities, structure factor and its relation to intensity, structure factor and electron density, chemical analysis using X-ray absorption, X-ray Fluorescence, chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, Numerical problems. 
Unit 3: The Liquid State & liquid crystals 
The gaseous, liquid and solid state, the vacancy theory of liquid, the free volume of a liquid, physical properties of liquid, vapour pressure, surface tension, the Kelvin equation for vapour pressure of a droplet, Excess pressure in a drop, the Laplace equation and the Young-Laplace equation, surface active agents, viscosity, effect of temperature on viscosity, the Reynolds number, Molar refraction, Optical activity, ORD and CD, Structure of Liquids, Questions. Liquid Crystals, Vapour Pressure – Temperature diagrams, Thermography, LCDs and the seven segment cell, Nometic,liquid crystals, cholesteric liquid crystals, Disc shape liquid crystals, Polymorphism in thermotropic liquid crystals, pressure-induced mesomorphism, Molecular arrangements in various states of liquid crystal, Questions. 
Unit 4: Photo electron & Photo acoustic spectroscopy 
Introduction, principle, Instrumentation and application of following technique, Photo acoustic spectroscopy(PAS), photo electron spectroscopy, Koopman’s THEROM,esca Andchemical information obtianded rom it, Augerelectron Spectroscopy(AES) 

M.Sc. SEMESTER-III Physical Chemistry CHNN-605 (P)-(A)-SE

Unit 1:  (A) Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 

Introduction, Principle, Grotrain Diagrams, Detection of Non-metals by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Difference Between Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Flame Emission Spectroscopy, disadvantage of atomic absorption spectroscopy, Instrumentation, Operation of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Single and Double beam Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, Detection Limit and Sensitivity. (B) Flame Photometry Introduction, Limitation of Flame Photometry, General principle of Flame Photometry, Instrumentation, Effect of Solvent in Flame Photometry, Instruments, Application of Flame Photometry, Limitation of Flame Photometry.   
(B) Flame Photometry 
Introduction, Limitation of Flame Photometry, General principle of Flame Photometry, Instrumentation, Effect of Solvent in Flame Photometry, Instruments, Application of Flame Photometry, Limitation of Flame Photometry.
(A) Conductometric Measurements Introduction, Some Important Lows, Definition and Relations, Effect of dilution, Conductance Measurements, Application of Conductance Measurements, Types of Conductometric Titrations, Advantage of Conductometric Titrations, Disadvantage of Conductometric Titrations. 
(B) Measurement of pH Introduction, Determination of pH, Ion selective electrode, Instrumentation, Application of pH Measurement. (C) Potentiometric Titration Introduction, Instrumentation, Types of Potentiometric Titration, Variation in Potentiometric Titration, Advantage of Potentiometric Titration.

M.Sc. SEMESTER-III Physical Chemistry CHNN-605 (P)-(B)-SE

Unit 1: The Gaseous State (Ideal Gases):
The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases, Pressure Of an Ideal Gas, Derivation of the gas laws, The ideal gas , equation, Kinetic energy and temperature, The Maxwell distribution Of molecular velocities, The Maxwell distribution Of molecular energies, Types of molecular velocities, Derivation of expression for molecular velocities, Expensive and compressibility, collision parameters, collision diameter, collision cross section, collision number, collision frequency, Mean free path, Transport Properties, thermal conductivity, Viscosity, Diffusion, Summary of transport properties in a gas, the degree of freedom of a gaseous molecules, the principle of equipartition of energy, Contribution to heat capacity of an ideal gas, The Barometric Formula, Questions and answers.   
Unit 2: The Gaseous State (Real Gases) 
 Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, Explanation of deviation, Equation of state for real gases, The Vander Waal equation of state, Other equation of state, The virial equation of state, intra molecular forces, The Lennard – Jones (6-12) Potential, The second virial coefficient, the critical phenomena, P-V isotherm of carbon dioxide, The Vander Waal equation and critical state, Molar Mass and Density of real gas, Liquefaction of gas, Production of low temperatures by adiabatic demagnetization, Question and Problems. 


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Bsc sem 6 previous years question papers of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU). Bsc sem 6 old papers.

Bachelor of science semester 6 all subject last 6 year to till year old papers available here. And all papers of  HNGU university patan. (B.Sc semester 6 papers)  If you want except for old papers, you can comment. In this site also available B.Sc semester 1 to B.Sc semester 6 old papers of hngu(Hemchandra North Gujarat university).   B.Sc. Semester 6 question paper - 2016 Download B.Sc. Semester 6 question paper - 2017 Download B.Sc. Semester 6 question paper - 2018 check B.Sc. Semester 6 question paper - 2019 check  THE HNSB LTD SCIENCE COLLEGE  INTERNAL PAPER Download If you want M.Sc. semester 1, 2 and 3  material or previous year papers  :  Check and also available B.Sc. semester 1 to 6 previous year question papers  :  Check   HNGU  result of all course and syllabus official website  HNGU     What is benefits of B.Sc. previous year question papers ?      Its major benefit is you...

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B.Sc semester 2 previous years question papers of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU). semester 2 old papers.

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