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B.Sc semester 1 previous years question papers of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU). Bsc sem 1 old papers.

Bsc sem 1 old papers. Hngu old papers. Hngu bsc sem 1 old papers. bachelor of science semester 1 all previous years old university exam papers .

 B.Sc semester  1 old papers and you can get  B.Sc  semester 1 old  to M.Sc semester 4  university old last 3 to 4 year papers .

Bachelor of science semester 1 all subject last 4 year to till year old papers available here. And all papers of  HNGU university patan. (B.Sc semester 1 papers) If you want except for old papers, you can comment.In this site also available B.Sc semester 1 to B.Sc semester 6 old papers of hngu(Hemchandra North Gujarat university).

B.Sc. Semester 1 question paper - 2016


B.Sc. Semester 1 question paper - 2017
B.Sc. Semester 1 question paper - 2018
B.Sc. Semester 1 question paper - 2019



If you want M.Sc. semester 1, 2 and 3  material or previous year papers  : Check
and also available B.Sc. semester 1 to 6 previous year question papers  : Check
HNGU  result of all course and syllabus official website HNGU 
What is benefits of B.Sc. previous year question papers ?
    Its major benefit is you can easily pass and second in the university exam mostly  repeated questions.and you can easy write paper of 40 to 50 marks.

What is the opportunity after B.Sc. ?
    -  You Can job in  Pharmaceutical company.
    -  You can join M. Sc for master degree. 
    -  Preparation of NET/ SLATE exam for PhD 
    - Government Job preparation.
How to download PDF of B.Sc. previous year question papers?
    Open above link. It will open in google drive and after right side on top corner download button  option. 
of  Hngu university B.Sc semester 1  all subjects external and hnsb science college internal  last four to five year old papers available.
what is in this article ? 
in this article :B.Sc semester  1 old papers, Bachelor of science semester 1 all subject materials, hngu B.Sc semester 1 papers, B.Sc semester 1 materials.
B.Sc semester two all old papers of external and internal exam of  HNGU university.

Bachelor of science semester -1  course for old papers and also available THE HNSB SCIENCE COLLEGE  internal last 4 to 5 years  old papers . It will help you  for preparation  of hngu university exam.  and also  available other semester old papers.

Bachelor of Science semester -1

Bachelor of Science semester -2

Bachelor of Science semester -3

Bachelor of Science semester -4

Bachelor of Science semester -5

Bachelor of Science semester -6

 B.Sc semester 1 syllabus 

The proposed new courses in chemistry for under graduate classes are reassigned in
accordance to semester/CBCS/Grading system with new educational policy. The new course
in based on model curriculum of the university grants commission.
The medium of instruction should be Gujarati and/or English and the question paper
should be drawn in Gujarati with the English version. Students are permitted to write answers
in English or Gujarati language.

Its objectives are as under :

1. To meet the growing demand of specialization and Advanced courses in applied science. ‘
2. To help the colleges to update and modernize their laboratories.
3. To redesign the courses with special emphasis on local requirements, environment and to

link the courses, with requirements of the industries and research. . .
This syllabus is to be completed by assigning four periods of one hour each and two
practical’s of two hours each per week.
The number of students in practical batch should not exceed Twenty.



Valence bond theory & its application, Ex. H2
Directional characteristics of covalent bond
Various types of hybridization and shape of simple inorganic molecules
Ex. sp – BeCl2 , sp
– BF3 , sp3

– CH4 , dsp3

– PCl5 , d2
– SF6

V.S.E.P.R. theory for NH3, H2O
M.O. Theory-Energy level diagram for homo nucleus diatomic
molecules (N2 and O2) and hetero diatomic molecule (CO and NO)
Lanthanide electronic configuration, Oxidation state
Lanthanide contraction, Effect of lanthanide contraction
Separation method
(1) Solvent extraction methods
(2) Ion Exchange Method


Factors affecting to the properties of organic molecule
Intramolecular forces (dipol-dipol interaction, vanderwaals forces)
Electromeric effect
Inductive effect
Resonance effect(draw resonating structures of Nitro benzene,
Chlorobenzen, Phenoxide ion, Anillinium ion, Acetate ion)
Hyper conjugation ( o,p-directing effect of Alkyl group, Stability of
Carbonium ion and Free radicals)
Fission of Co-Valent bond ( With at least one example of eachintermediates )
Types of reagents.
Types of organic reaction with mechanism.
Substitution reactions (Nucleophillic&Electrophillic)
Addition reactions (Nucleophillic&Electrophillic)
Elimination reactions (E1& E2)


 Thermodynamics (only introduction) System and surrounding- work & heat, state function, thermodynamic
process, internal energy, enthalpy, free energy, maximum work function.First law of thermodynamics
heat capacity, specific and molar heat capacity, heat capacity at constant
volume and pressure and their relationship Work done in adiabatic and isothermal reversible expansion of an ideal gas. Second law of thermodynamics Carnot cycle and its efficiency Concept of entropy ; entropy change for an ideal gas under different
conditions, entropy change for mixture of ideal gases Gibbs-Helmholtz equation Numerical
UNIT : 4 : INTRODUCTION TO VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS Principle, Mechanism and Applications of,Acid-Base Titrations (Only strong acid Vs strong Base). Redox Titrations (Only Fe(II) Vs KMnO4) Complexo metric Titrations (Only Ca+2/Mg+2Vs EDTA) Precipitation Titrations ( OnlyCl− Vs AgNO3). Related Numericals. 


Unit -1

Vector Algebra & Vector Analysis
- Dyadic (1.10) Scalar Triple product (1.11) Reciprocal vectors (1.12) vector. Triple product (1.13)
Pseudo vectors and Pseudo Scalars.(1.16)
- Differentiation of a vector with respect to time (2.2) Integration of vector , Line Integral (2.3 a) ,
Surface Integral (2.3 b) Partial differentiation (2.4) , Gradient of a scalar point function (2.5),
Divergence of vector (2.6), The equation of continuity (2.7) Curl of a vector (2.8) , More about the
vector differential operator (2.9) , Multiple Del operations (2.11) Irrotational AND Solenoidal
vectors (2.12) Some useful identities (2.13), Gauss’ Theorem (2.14) , Green’s theorem (2.15) ,
Stokes Theorem (2.17) Physical Significance of the Curl of a vector.
- Related Examples & Problem.
- Basic Reference
- Introduction to Classical Mechanics by R.G. Takwale & P.S. Puranik Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd.
- Other Reference
- Electricity and Magnetism By K.K.Tewari
- Mathematical method in physical sciences by M.L. Boas (john Willey & Sons)

Unit – 2

Simple Harmonic Oscillations,
- Composition of two simple Harmonic Motions along the same direction of the same frequency (2.8)
, Two simple Harmonic Motions act upon a particle simultaneously having no phase difference but
they differ in frequency by very small amount (2.9) Composition of two simple Harmonic Motions
acting upon a particle simultaneously at right angles to each other, same time period but different in
phase (2.10) lissajous figure (2.11) , Experimental determination of lissajous figures : (2.12 a and
2.12 b ) Related Examples & Problem
Motion Due to a constant force (3.2), The Force acts for short time and to find its effect (3.3 A
particle executing S.H.M. is acted upon by a harmonic force FsinpT of frequency
) (3.4), Motion
in a resisting medium (3.5), Forced Vibration(3.6 a),Amplitude Resonance: Maximum Displacement
of the system (3.7) , Maximum energy of the system : Velocity Resonance (3.8), Phase of the forced
vibration(3.9), Power supply at steady state of forced vibration (3.10)
Related Examples & Problem
- Compound Pendulum & Oscillations Bar pendulum – ( Element of Properties of matter by D.S
Mathur )

Unit -3

D.C Circuit , Network Theorem & AC Bridges
D.C Circuit
- Simple R-L Circuit – Growth and decay of current Helmholtz equitation (11.24) , R-c Circuit
(11.25),Measurement of high resistance by method of leakage (11.26), Comparison of capacities by
De Sauty’s Method (11.27), Ideal L-C. Circuit (11.28) , Series LCR Circuit ( Change case only)
- Related Examples & Problem
Network Theorem
- Superposition Theorem (18.5), Thevenin’s Theorem (18.6), Norton’s Theorem (18.7), Maximum
Power Theorem (18.8)
- Related Examples & Problem
AC Bridges.
- AC Bridges (17.5) AC Bridges for the measurement of inductances (17.6)
(1) Maxwell Bridge (2 ) Anderson Bridge ,
- A.C Bridge for the measurement of capacitance (17.7)
(1) De Sauty’s A.C Bridge (2) Schering Bridge,
Related Examples & Problem

Unit- 4

Rectifier and Filter Circuits
- The Half Wave Rectifier (2.2) , Voltage Regulation (2.3), Ripple Factor (2.4) , Ratio of Rectification
(2.5), Transformer utilization factor (2.6) , Disadvantage of Half Wave Rectifier (2.7), The Full
Wave rectifier (2.8), The Bridge Rectifier (2.9), Comparison of Rectifiers Circuit (2.11),
- The Inductor Filter (3.1), Experimental Determination of Ripple Factor (3.2),The Capacitor Filter
(3.3), Ripple Factor (Approximate method) (3.4), Ripple Factor ( Accurate method), (3.5), Effect of
capacitor Series Resistance (3.7), The Choke input Filter (3.9), Ripple factor in LC filter (3.10),
Value Of critical inductance (3.11), the CLC filter (3.13), Comparison of filter circuits (3.14),
- Zener diode and its characteristics (6.1) , The Voltage regulator circuit (6.3), Effect of Temperature
on Zener diode (6.7)
- Related Examples & Problem

UNIT 1: Successive Differentiation:

Successive Derivatives, Some standard results for nth derivatives, Leibnitz’s
Theoremand its examples, Cauchy’s Mean Value Theorem, Taylor’s
Theorem(without proof),Maclaurin’s series and its examples.Expansion
ofpowerseries ofsinx,cosx,ex
UNIT 2: Integration:
Reduction formula :

2 2
0 0
sin , cos , n n d d
 
     
sin .cos , , m n d m n N

    
Application of definite integrals to (a) Summation of the series, (b)
Rectification(c) Volume.

UNIT 3:Vector analysis and Polar co‐ordinates system :

(a) Vector analysis: scalar and vector product of three vectors, product of
fourvectors, reciprocal vectors, vector differentiation, gradient, divergent
(b) Polar co‐ordinates, spherical and cylinder coordinates and their relations.

UNIT 4: Sphere, Cone and Cylinder:

(a) Sphere:plane section of sphere, intersection of two spheres, intersection
ofsphereand line, power at a point, tangent plane and normal. Plane of
contact,angle ofintersection of two spheres, condition of orthogonality.
(b) Cone:Definition of cone,vertex,guiding curve, generators, equation of acone
witha givenvertex and a guiding curve, right circular cone with givenvertex,axis
and semi vertical angle.
(c)Cylinder:Definition of a cylinder, equation of a cylinder
whosegeneratorsintersect a givencone and are parallel to a given line, equation
of a rightcircular cylinder.


What is B.Sc.?

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) is an undergraduate degree course usually of three years duration. It is one of the most popular course choices among Science students after Class 12th. Full form of B.Sc is Bachelor of Science (Baccalaureus Scientiae in Latin)

                    The course is considered as a foundation course for students who want make their career in the field of Science. It is offered in a variety of Science subjects at a majority of universities in India. Some of the popular B.Sc courses that students usually choose to pursue after Class 12th are B.Sc Physics, B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc Chemistry, B.Sc Biology, B.Sc Mathematics, and so on.
A B.Sc course can be pursued as both a full-time or part-time course. Students can choose to pursue plain B.Sc or B.Sc (Honours). The course is most apt for students who have a strong interest and background in Science and Mathematics. The course is also beneficial for students who wish to pursue multi and inter-disciplinary science careers in future.

What is B.Sc Eligibility?

In order to study B.Sc, the students should meet the below-mentioned eligibility criteria:

  1. The basic eligibility is to have  50-70% in Class XII from any recognized board.
  2. The students must have core subjects like  Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in their Higher Secondary level.
  3. The age limit to take admission in B.Sc courses is minimum or  above 18 years.

B.Sc eligibility criteria may vary depending on the college chosen and the candidate must meet all the criteria to get admission in top colleges offering B.Sc

Why pursue B.Sc?

There are many advantages of this course, some of them are mentioned below:-

  1. B.Sc courses provide deeper subject knowledge and practical knowledge in a chosen branch of science. It is mostly pursued by students who want to contribute in research and development. 
  2. Skills developed after a B.Sc degree are Research skills,  Observational skills, Problem-solving skills, Logical skills and Experimental skills.
  3. Students who wish to pursue multi interdisciplinary careers in the future can also go for this course. 
  4. This course imparts knowledge regarding certain areas in four main science subjects, physics, chemistry, maths and biology.
  5. After successfully getting a B.Sc degree, one becomes eligible to earn INR 2-5 per year
  6. Various industries like Laboratories, Pharmaceutical Companies, Educational Institutes, Cosmetics Industry, Health Care Industry, etc are open to hire these graduates.
  7. Future benefits of this course include increased theoretical and practical knowledge and developing research and experimental skills required in any research-based organization or institute that will prepare students for many diverse and exciting careers.


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Bsc sem 6 previous years question papers of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU). Bsc sem 6 old papers.

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